Entrepreneurial Motivations: Light and Shadow Forces

The best reason to start a company is to solve a problem that you genuinely, to your core, care about, and you can’t see another way to do it. People who find this are truly blessed.

And then there are the rest of us, and we are complicated. Here is my take.

The motivations for starting a company are complex – there are “light” and “shadow” forces. 

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You, Inc – Getting Into Business

Wake up every day, consumed by “You, Inc”.

If your goal is to make the leap from labor to capital, from selling time to making money with your assets, then get into business for yourself as soon as you can. 

Don’t get into the perfect business, don’t get into your life’s work, just get into business.

Wake up every day, consumed by “You, Inc”. Have every thought process working towards your north star, building your little empire.

Continue reading “You, Inc – Getting Into Business”

Two Major Ways We Can Help Small Businesses Grow

I thought long and hard about what would most help a Bootstrapped Service Business (“BSB”) like ours grow faster and create more jobs, and it all comes down to improving access to meaningful investment capital – not small changes to tax rates, increasing deductions, payroll tax holidays, or tweaking regulations

‘Tis the season for tax reform, and in tax reform season, politicians talk about how changing the tax code will help small businesses grow and create more jobs.

I thought long and hard about what would most help a Bootstrapped Service Business (“BSB”) like ours grow faster and create more jobs, and it all comes down to improving access to meaningful investment capital – not small changes to tax rates, increasing deductions, payroll tax holidays, or tweaking regulations (which doesn’t even help if you happen to be a vassal with a feudal lord like the state of CA or NY…side gripe for another time).

Continue reading “Two Major Ways We Can Help Small Businesses Grow”